I’ve made it mandatory that everyone in my household vote that’s why I print out request for absentee ballots and mail after they’ve been completed. When we receive the ballots, everyone is encourage to choose the candidate of their liking. If anyone is unsure of who they want to vote for, I tell them to research each candidate, watch the debates, tune into the various news networks. I don’t want to sway their decision, although we are a product of our environment, I try my best to allow them to make their own decision. I have them seal their envelopes and I drop them in the mail. Every vote counts and I want to be sure ours is included.
This year, I don’t care for either candidate. Nothing about them appeals to me. Hillary Clinton isn’t a people person. From my point of view, she doesn’t connect with people. She has a standoffish demeanor and doesn’t come across as genuine. I believe she’ll work on behalf of the United States but I also think there’s some underlying self-motive. I believe she truly wants to make a difference. I also believe it’s to prove to the naysayers that she could do it as a woman just as they said we’d never see a black president. Those are just my thoughts, and my thoughts only.
Now, on the other hand there’s Donald Trump. What can’t be said about this person that hasn’t already been summed up by many politicians, news media and the average Joe? He’s a joke, like seriously, a freaking joke! I was lying in bed watching this imbecile on TV and right after I said, “He’s the Bill Cosby of the presidential election (sorry Bill), someone on MSNBC said the exact same thing”. To say I laughed, doesn’t equate to how hard I actually laughed. As I continued to watch, I finally came to the conclusion of why he acts the way he does.
Growing up in a family with money, he has the white privileged mindset that people of different races have talked about. White privilege has been an underground topic which no one wanted to discuss until now. He’s put this in full view for everyone to observe. He also believes that this money gives him the right to kiss and grope women whenever because “I have money and all women are attracted to a man with money”. WRONG ANALOGY YOU STUPID MAN! But it goes deeper than this. If you pay attention to the way he acts, it’ll tell you this: As a child, he wasn’t liked by many. He was obnoxious and thought he was better than others. Hence, he’s now grown up, obnoxious and still thinks he’s better than others. And might I add, still not attractive. Girls didn’t really care for him because he wasn’t attractive. Add obnoxious to this mix and he was betting a million to get a date. This fed into his low self-esteem which was already there. So, to pump up his little head, someone told him that women love a man with money. Yeah, that may work for the average bimbo (ladies, if you’re not a bimbo you shouldn’t be offended by this) but for the average woman, she wants a man that loves himself first, then love her. With him, he’s constantly fighting those demons from childhood. He’s constantly trying to “prove” to those who rejected him that they were wrong and he could do it, even get the pretty women. Mark Cuban summed it up by saying, “there’s two different kinds of rich. There’s liquidity rich, when you have money on hand and there’s asset rich, when you’re actually broke”. Donald is the latter. So, in all actuality, the only thing he has proved to those childhood demons, is that they were right. You don’t have the money because you’ve filed bankruptcy six times. Not once, not twice or three times but SIX! Come on dude, really?!?! You’ve proved their point. And the attractive you’re married too and I say that loosely, she a bimbo. Another point you’ve proved to the nay-sayers. I didn’t speak on his bullying, because that in itself is a low self-esteem attribute.
There comes a time when one has to face reality and admit when the points you tried to prove, have continuously failed. You can try to run from the demons of your past but they eventually catch up to you. The demons have caught up with him and now it’s on display for the whole world to see.
Way to go Donald. That a boy! If you hadn’t already surmised from this, you’re 100% not getting my vote. Sorry buddy, I just don’t like you (to say it nicely).
And I came to this conclusion with no professional training, LOL….
~ Know who you are and what you stand for ~
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