The world revolves around the inclusiveness one has with others. Or to say it another way, if you’re not in the clique, you’re shit out of luck.
I’ve worked for an organization for more than ten years and have seen this first hand. People are promoted because they’re friends of others even when they lack the necessary skills to properly perform the job. This is nothing new to most, but it still angers those who diligently work their asses off.
I learned many years ago, and if you aren’t willing to “tell” on someone, you’re bound to crash and burn in all your hopes and glories of succeeding. This world and the organizations constructed within them weren’t made for people like me; a hardworking, determined black woman. It was made for the white man first and the white woman second. Although this hierarchy still exists today, that no longer deters the ambitions, I strive to achieve. My success or lack thereof, depending on who you talk too, has long been determined by the color of my skin. It’s more evident than ever in 2018, as those harboring racism and oppressive thoughts for so long have come to the surface. We, black people, knew it was there all along. It is now on full display for those who surmised we were using the “racial card” to justify our anger. With the idiotic person we have in the white house, he has resurrected the hatred white people have for not only black people but for anyone that doesn’t look like him. It’s a shame where we are today, but I’m not surprised.
I work in a building with 85 employees, and 8 are black women. These totals don’t account for the other buildings on the property, or our parent and sister companies. I point this out to show the discriminatory divide that bleeds through practically every company in the US, yet, the organization in which I’m employed is built to equip our young adults to better themselves and the world around them. The question I ask is: how can they do this when they are taught by familiar faces? Sure, the grounds in which this structure is placed is “supposed” to give them a broader understanding of the culture that outlines it. However, I have yet to see this come to fruition.
I’ll end my conversation with this question followed by an answer: If the white man didn’t want us here for nothing more than to reap our labor, why didn’t he choose his own men and women to do so? My answer: They are in fact a weaker species than we are, mentally and physically. He saw the strength we embodied and feared our capabilities. You shall no longer degrade us or our brothers and sisters of different races with your innuendos. You have once again shown the true motives hidden behind your mask of laws created to hinder those you feel are inferior. Everyone sees the blood on your hands you once hid in your pockets. The tide of emotions hovering over our nation this past couple of years is the beginning of something new. I’m not sure what this will bring, but I do know the outcome will be different than what you want. I just hope you’re ready because we are.
Post was written by Maria-
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